Advantages of Stigterstaal

One of the biggest advantages of our extensive stock is the possible reduction of scrap by picking the best fitted dimension for your required parts. Down the line, this can be a very interesting cost saver for our clients.

Another advantage of our extensive stock in marine grade is that we are always able to supply big volumes of one specific thickness swiftly and/or just in time.

Our third strong asset is, that all our EH36 plates have a minimum yield strength of 355N/mm², although from 100mm the official rules accept a lower yield strength. Many projects are calculated with this “high” yield strength which you will always find within Stigterstaal.

Additional Services
In cooperation with our dedicated partners we are able to provide the following additional services: Profiling of plates including required bevels. Production of rolled cans / tubulars. Together wi…
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Market conditions / requirements
Especially thick EH36 plates, which are produced by ingot steel, delivery time is long and a minimum volume is required in order to start production at the steel mill. In addition the number of ste…
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In the offshore industry, heavy marine grade plates are being used next to the traditional offshore grade plates like S355G10+M / N, nowadays S355MLO. In the production of offshore floating wind pr…
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Heavy plates in shipbuilding are used in various locations of the hull like reinforcement plates for crane foundations, fabrication of winches but also below the engine block for instance. Especial…
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